Digital Passions
Poetry Magazine
Visitor Feedback
While we're on the topic of Visitors, I want to talk just a bit about what ours have been
saying to us. PoetDevine and I had a rather long exchange of email the other day, talking
about the tremendous growth Passions has seen in such a short period of time. And I
admitted to her I was very excited about the number of people that are visiting our site
and sharing our poetry. But the numbers are only a part of that story, and I want to very
briefly share with you the other part:
"I would like to start by thanking you for
embarrassing me at work today. I have been sitting here reading your poems with tears in
my eyes, trying to hide from my boss and workmates. Your poems on friendship and love have
given me the hugest lump in my throat."
"I just wanted to let you know that I was looking at the netpoets.com web site and
found your poems to be the very same things that are on my heart and unale to be
expressed. thank you for the opportunity to tell my friends and loved ones how I feel. I
appreciate it and thought it might bring a little joy into you life to know that your
poems are touching people's hearts."
"I am 15 and in the 10th grade. I got interested in poetry from reading Maya Angelo.
I will admit that most of my poems so far is kind of sorry but by reading some of you guys
peotry I have learned some things and got some ideas."
"Thank you so much for that mail! When I first looked at your site I knew it was a
site I would like, and I'll be sure to check it out every day for the "Poem of the
Day" as well as any updates! Your site is full of good, useful information and I'm
glad there are still people in this world that do care about others and look forw ays to
help them, and that's just what you're doing! Thank you again!"
"yes, this was one of the most meaningful poems that i've ever read. It was exactly
what i've been trying to come up with myself."
"Michael Anderson is a very talented writer, and Walking alone vs. Poe's Alone is
very intense. Numerous amount of these writes are very talented... and I was wondering if
there was any possible way that maybe you can publish maybe a selection of all of these
poems, it would just be amazing to go to the book store and see their works in reality, to
be able to own a copy of their emotions.... "
"After viewing the poem by Devoine? I realized that I was able to submit poems that I
have written but seldom show, once again thank you for letting me post my work here with
all these other great writers"
"Thank you for giving me this opportunity to submit my first poem on the internet.
Even if it doesn't get published, I still enjoyed this advantage. Again, thank you."
"I'm a homeschooler, and a wanna be writer. I loved you page because of the openness
of the poets on the page. . ."
"I've been writing for about 7 months now and I find it incredibly therapeutic, if
not invigorating to my soul. I do not feel my poetry is really complete though until I
share it, until I make a connection with someone somewhere on some cerebral level. Perhaps
this site will help me to fulfill that completion."
"hi i know that my poems may not be perfect or strongly written but i write them to
express how i feel and what i think so until i learn how to write better please bear with
"Thankyou so much for this site! Poetry is deffinetly a good way to express your self
and show your true fellings. Whenever I'm feeling sad,reading poems is like a way to deal
w/ it all. Its helps you get through your hard times. So thankyou, for helping me get
through mine."
"I love this site. All the poems are so easy to relate to, no matter what kind of
mood your in or what you just went through there is a poem or someone out there who can so
beautifully and acurately put it into words."
"I am 43, divorced, a daughter, 16 and son 14, who live in another state. I have
lived in Utah all my life. I've been writing poetry seriously for 4 or 5 years now. The
poetry sites on the internet are the best thing that's happened to me for a long
"I was really impressed by the idea of these poems reaching more people than I could
myself. I have posted poems, including the one I just submitted here, at the Open Scroll,
another similar website. I like this idea for being able to send poems and/or greeting
cards to people in emails. I communicate with some of my relatives through email, and it's
hard to find a really nice card, like some of the ones I have seen here."
"I would like to THANK YOU for giving us a place to display our poetry and to read
the hearts of others.I love words from the heart and i feel that is what poetry is.Very
personal and heartfelt!!!! It is also very nice that you take the time to tell us when you
list our poetry."
"Thankyou so much for giving me a place to post my work you really did a beautiful
job. Thanks again I am very exited. Once again thankyou for your interest in my work
recieving your postcard was the best thing that happened to me all day!!!!"
"I really believe that there isn't much of a literary movement lately, especially in
poetry, so it is very comforting that it hasn't died out. Perhaps there is a new Emerson,
Thoreau, Dickinson, or Longfellow among us. Or the poets here are just ordinary people
with souls that need cleansing and comforting. Poetry, the fragile and mundane way of
expression, that is heavenly...Atleast I really believe so."
"Thank you for everything! Because of you I am happy with my writings and am inspired
to write more! Thank you!"
The number of people visiting Passions is wonderful, yes, but it's
the appreciation I see every day that makes it all worth while. These unedited, verbatim
snippets are just a small sample of the mail. I read every email or comment that comes in
and, as many of you have discovered, answer every one as well. Even if it's only to say
Thank You. And I've been saying Thank You a lot lately.

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