Digital Passions
Poetry Magazine
Editors Musings
by Sunshine
Dear Friends, welcome to the second issue of Digital Passions, the newsletter of Passions
in Poetry. When I first came into this web-world back in June, I didnt know what to
expect, or what I would find. What transpired was a welcome awakening in a cradle of
humanity of talented and not-so-talented-but-loads-of-fun folks. I say
"not-so-talented" because I cannot yet rank myself up there with the really
talented folks, Ive got a ways to go. Im dancing as fast as I can!
Another way of welcoming you all to this place is to go ahead and show you what others
think of Passions in Poetry - and there's no more apt way to do that than with our first
poem below. I look forward to working on up-coming issues, and hope you will ask your
poetic friends to come and give us a look in their spare time.
Thanks for subscribing!

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