Digital Passions
Poetry Magazine
Rambles from Ron
by Ron Carnell
Where do I begin? If you've visited the News page at Passions lately, you already know
there will be a major poetry update within the next week. You already know that, with this
update, Passions will again be accepting new poetry. You already know we're adding a brand
new greeting card section. You even know about "Voices on the Web" and how to
submit your own poetry to our first-ever printed-on-real-paper book of poetry, due out
this Autumn. And if you haven't visited the News page, you're probably hopelessly confused
by now. But I figure you know how to rectify that.
About the book: There's less than a week remaining to get your poetry submitted in the
Forums, though voting will continue for several more weeks. It doesn't cost anything, and
it's your opportunity to get published, so dust off those favorite verses and get them
submitted. Now. Oh, and here's a little tip, just between you and me (everyone else please
skip to the next paragraph). If you have a poem published at the main site, and especially
if it has a little star next to it, you might want to NOT submit that for the Voices book.
I can't tell you why. Suffice it to say that Voices is our first book, but it won't be our
About the newsletter: Those of you who know me, know about the only thing I do well is
listen. Poet deVine (our editor-in-chief) and I would REALLY like to hear from you and get
some ideas on how the Digital Passions newsletter is impacting you. Would you like to see
more poetry and less articles? Would you like more depth to the articles? Less depth? Do
you enjoy the personal insights into the lives of our poets? Would you like to see the
newsletter published more often? Less often? Just about everything at both the main site
and in the forums has come from ideas from people just like you. Let's not let Digital
Passions be any different!
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