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Passions in Poetry

Digital Passions
Poetry Magazine

Digital Passions #5
published September 10, 2000


Editor's Column by Poet deVine
Rambles from Ron
Power of a Poet by Poet deVine
How to Copyright by Denise Snyder
Interview with Balladeer by Marge Tindal
Abraham, Martin, and John by Balladeer
Vistor Feedback (with poem)
The Final Word by Poet deVine

* Bonus Features

I Know You by Ron Carnell
How to Write Sonnets by Nancy Ness
Lots More Visitor Feedback
End Notes / Unsubscribe

Read It All (one big page)

Editor's Column Power of a Poet

Rambles from Ron
by Ron Carnell

This issue of Digital Passions introduces the first of several major changes we're going to be implementing in the course of the next few months. You may have already noticed that the Contents menu above now has a new section called "Bonus Features." What, pray tell, is that all about?

Just as Passions has grown tremendously in the past year, so too has our digital magazine. The turning point, of course, was when the lovely Poet deVine took over the helm, recruiting Sunshine and Balladeer as Editors, along with a whole staff of talented writers from the forums. About the only thing I do with Digital Passions any more is send it out the virtual door when PdV tells me it's ready and complain just about every month that it's getting too big.

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Complain? Unlike many newsletters, you see, Digital Passions is personalized for each subscriber. Right now, that just consists of adding your name and appropriate unsubscribe data. Effectively, that means each issue of the almost 8,000 I send out has to be sent individually, rather than using bulk email like so many newsletters employ. And the bigger the magazine is, the longer it takes to send each copy.

I created a brand new web site

Well, I got a little tired of complaining (and I'm sure PdV got tired of hearing it). More importantly, I got tired of seeing some really, really great articles and poems cut from every issue just to make it smaller. So, I did the only thing I could. I created a brand new web site, whose sole purpose will be to host the new, expanded Digital Passions.

The new address is and you'll already find all of our past issues of Digital Passions, our current issue, plus the Bonus Features listed in the menu above. I think you'll find it very easy to navigate, and we have the added dividend of being able to format everything in ways unavailable in a plain text magazine like this one. As just one example, many of our interviews will now include photos.

Sunshine and Balladeer will continue to provide us all with about 20K of great articles and poetry every issue, delivered straight to your favorite email box. In some cases, and we'll note each case, the articles in the plain text magazine will have extended versions only available at And in almost every foreseeable case, each issue will include those Bonus Features, the articles and poetry that would have otherwise made the magazine too long.

But this is also just the start of the changes you'll see.

Over the course of the next few months, Digital Passions will become more and more personalized. Are you especially fond of Love Poetry? Don't really care for the Interviews? Soon, you'll be able to tell us exactly what you want to see in YOUR ISSUE of the magazine - and the system will select articles and poetry to match your specific interests. Every copy will be different, consisting of JUST what you want to see. Can you spell f-l-e-x-i-b-i-l-i-t-y? I KNEW you could! :-)

On a related note, the expansion of the magazine also opens the door to new talent. If poetry and writing are your passions, as they are ours, and you would like to showcase your talent and knowledge in Digital Passions, I strongly encourage you to contact Poet deVine at [email protected] and express your interest. Virtually all of the coordination of each issue is accomplished in our forums, and PdV will get you signed up, introduce you to our elite editors, and gently walk you through the ropes. Trust me, you'll be in excellent hands!