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Lots More Visitor Feedback One of the greatest rewards, though, is when I get a letter from one of our Resident Poets with the news theyve just had their first book published. And thats been happening a lot, lately! ![]() ![]()
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() *** Been a while since I've been in contact. Wanted to thank you for publishing my poetry and inform you that at long last--I did it! I published my first book of poetry, "Until It Ropes Likes Okra: Rhymes in the Vernacular" which is now available at Amazon.com. Open the attached Adobe Acrobat file for more information or visit my website at http://sea_cur.tripod.com. Donald *** Time has passed since my last letter, now I am a little writer, always a poet. I have published my first book in Italy, soon I will have another. You have the first site I start to write on. I will be always thankfull for the opportunity you gave me. God bless you, Alberto *** Hi There! My name is Nic and I'm a free-lance writer and occasional poet. Whilst surfing the net the other day I happened across your web page and I have to say I was suitably impressed...so much so that I felt compelled to send you a petit composition of my own! *** THANK YOU, FINDING THIS SITE HAS BEEN A LIFE SAVER TO ME. SharonK *** Ron, Just stumbled across you. I like your site, the mix and your layout. When I get more time, I will submit poetry and link you to my site. Jacqueline *** I just wanted to tell you that I really really appreciate your website. I am so glad I found it...my girlfriend is from NC...I sent her one of the poems from your site ( the one called "2 am" under the cyber romance-section)...and she really enjoyed it...I can't describe it....We are both in love with eachother... ;-) Keep up the good work! Jesper *** Ron, Thank you. I am gratefull for your cooperation. You pages are a wonderful place to go. Patty *** Hi! I just wanted to let you know that i really enjoy reading your poetry. I also like to write my own, about my feelings toward my own little world. And how i feel about today or tomorrow. Especially when I'm feeling down, I like to write out my feelings on a piece of paper. It makes me feel a lot better. But i have never let anyone read my poems because their personal to me and it's just like a diary to me. I don't know if you'll ever get this message from me but i just want to say "I Love Poetry"...and that i enjoyed your poetry. Thank you for your time reading this message. Sincerely, *Abby* *** I read your netpoets website all the time, i have never put a poem in because i think they are corny bla bla bla bla bla, right? Maybe you know what i mean, but anyways...don't close the submition down. Let everyone put thier poems in, its great and its really a good thing. Why not make more website or something and tell them which one it went to? Or start another website that people can submit poetry and give it out on your webpages. Just don't shut it down sincerely, ryan *** My wife was very taken by the poem Heart and Soul by Kate Jameson on your website (In the Sad Poems about Death category) as it described her own feelings about her father's recent death. She wanted to email the author and tell her how deeply it had affected her. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Lynn *** I am now 23 years old and have been writing from the age of 12. I have quite a collection of poems and would like to have them published. I have been led to believe that poetry is dead and that being a South African, it won't get me very far. I tend to disagree with this because I believe that poetry is like therapy for both the reader and the writer. I have read some of the articles you print in your newsletter and I have to admit that I get all excited when I find myself identifying with the writers. I have finally found people out there who share my feelings about writing, all I can say is that this is powerful stuff. I don't think anyone who is not a writer can truly understand the sense of freedom and power we experience as poets. Thank you for creating this little piece of heaven on earth for us poets. Celest� *** Thank you Ron, I love poetry so will enjoy receiving always. I also write it and love doing that too. Ingrid *** I just found your Website the other night & just spent about a half hour reading some of the many topics. I am excited and hope I can soon become one of your many submitting poets. I have been writing poetry since highschool, through college and beyond. I have a BA in Journalism from California University of PA, but my Passion has been Poetry for years. I have been published most often in LUCIDITY, a Poetry Journal (quarterly for years, now going twice yearly as of this current issue) out of Eureka Springs, AR. Editor is Ted O. Badger. Perhaps you've heard of Ted or Lucidity, perhaps not, but from what I've read about the poems you accept, the two of you seem to be in the same ball park. Thanks, Kathleen *** THIS IS A GREAT IDEA TO TELL THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE HOW YOU ARE FEELING WHEN YOU CANT FIND THE RIGHT WORDS TO SAY. THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME DO JUST THAT DIANE *** Thank You for sharing such a wonderful collection of poetry!I sometimes spend hours there reading,some of them make giggle and some make me cry,and then there are the those that make me feel all gawgaw inside :) Thank You JoAnn *** I would like to say that your site is Great!! I really enjoy it I am a poet and am interested on HOW YOU GOT STARTED thank you Gina *** Thankyou very much for allowing me to read your selections of poetry. I cant begin to tell you how much I enjoy your site and i hope one day my name will be among the name talented authors you have.... Blessed Be, beth *** I love poetry very much, but I can't write any though. I wish I could. You have done a great job with posting these poems. They really do touch my heart, there is alot of talent in there. thanks Jen *** Thanks so much for my first copy of Digital Passions. I really liked it. I was wondering how many Digital Passions newsletters do you make in a year? Well, I mean how many do you send in a year? This was just a quick note to thank you, but I will write again. I hope it's all right that I send a copy of Digital Passions to my friend. Thanks a lot, Cecile *** Thank you for responding so quickly to the poem I submitted. I found your sight through a search, and thought it couldn't hurt to submit a poem. Your e-mail reinforced that with me and I want to thank you for that. E.K. *** i love all the poems you have collected there all so beautiful and fantastic i love to read poems but out of all i love your buffet of them the bestso please could you find a way to to email the new poems that come on to your buffet each time new ones should happen to arrive that would be great thank you, lindsay *** I love to read your poems. They are wonderfull. I have one to write ya, will ya that it and, If it is good post it for me or tell me how to post it?? bye, bonnie *** Ron, Just a note to say I have enjoyed this site tremendously. Once the poems are put on the site are they protected? Keep up the good work and Happy reading. Andie
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