Of all the poems that can be found at
Passions in Poetry, some are perfect to express people's emotions about their friends.
While browsing around in the Friendship Poems section, I found some really beautiful ones.
Here are just a few of the ones I liked best: ***
A Tear Fell, by Marge Tindal, speaks of the comfort that our friends
can give us. Whenever people have a problem weighing their spirit down, they often turn to
a close friend, and the weight seems to lessen somehow.
A Tear Fell
by Marge Tindal |
I shed a tear today
Silently, I felt it fall
You caught it
shared it
held it
felt it
it wasn't
so big
after all
The poem Angel, by Rosebud, is written about what a
good friend can be. Our friends can be many different things to us.
by Rosebud |
A spirit,
a beacon
To shine through the night
To guide you to safety
through many a plight;
And sounding through your darkness
Clear as a bell
The voice of the person
Who is your angel
A rose, 'midst the weeds
Of grief and of pain
Reminding you that someday
Things will be all right again,
And like hot chocolate
On a chill winter day
They warm up your soul
And spirit all the way,
Someone chosen just for you
Above all the rest
For this is the one
who can do the job best
To pierce through your darkness
And spread warmth and light
A reminder of beauty
Setting sorrow to flight
You have been chosen
And also have they
To be each other's angels
And guide through life's way. |