Pain is a strong and vivid emotion
that will envelop every one of us, at one point or another. Loosing jobs, getting in
fights with friends, and even loosing loved ones can cause deep wounds within our souls.
These emotional teen poems by Dopey_Dope, Kevin, and Lakewalker show the pain and sorrow
that can smother even the strongest of spirits sometimes.
Caught in a Tear
by Dopey_Dope |
My rose had died.
My tree just tore.
I lived a lie,
The life I wore.
My heart still beats.
My blood stands still.
I defy all feats.
My love windmill.
My light has faded.
My souls a mess.
The surface jaded.
The heart break confess.
My tears run dry.
My smile all worn.
I lived a lie.
A life all torn. |
by Kevin |
I wish that you could read my mind
And know my love is true
For lately I have come to find
I only think of you
And maybe you can't be with me
To put my mind at ease
But you still left your memory
To bring me to my knees
I know you always meant to keep
My heart beside your own
But as I rest my eyes to sleep
I know my hearts alone
I wish that I could read your mind
And know you think of me
But still I fear that I would find
That your heart has gone free
Just know my thoughts will always be
With you and what we've been
With hopes that you still think of me
The way that you did then |
Reaching, Yet
by Lakewalker |
No matter how she tries
the world to her does not exist
it spins just out of reach,
the sun rises and her hope's renewed
she reaches out a needing hand
hoping to grasp at the life
but denied are her dreams
as the sun glides on
setting in the distant land
which she will never reach
but living this never-ending cycle,
waking each and every day
she still reaches out
hoping to achieve some meaning |