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Passions in Poetry

Digital Passions
Poetry Magazine

Digital Passions #3
published May 24, 2000


Editor's Column by Balladeer
Anchor Point (our opening poem)
How The Net Affected my Poetry Marge Tindal
Interview - Michael Anderson by Krista Knutson
Mid Point (our second poem)
My Muse by Angel
Poetic Engines by Christopher
Closing Point (our final poem)
The Final Word by Poet deVine
End Notes / Unsubscribe

Read It All (one big page)

Anchor Point (our opening poem) Interview - Michael Anderson


How the Internet Affected my Poetry
By Marge Tindal

At the age of raging teen hormones, I began to write poetry. Scribbles tucked away in spiral notebooks, in diaries, inside covers of schoolbooks (for shame) and on the sole of a worn-out tennis shoe, which I have to this day.

I kept them mostly for myself, sending an occasional one to well-loved relatives on birthdays and at Christmas. Their praise was about what you'd expect from one who loves you. Nothing but oooh's and aaah's. My mother actually submitted my first published piece to her local newspaper when I was a teen.

When I began my family, I wrote with the heart of a mother expressing all the love and joy that filled me with their presence in my life. Tucked away neatly in the cedar chest with all the youthful writings preserved for generations to come.

Through the years I submitted poetry to newspapers when I saw something that caught my fancy. My most serious writing began in 1982 and was inspired by a young friend that was diagnosed with cancer. For two years, I poured my heart into the poetry I did for my friend before she passed away. She had inspired me with her life and encouraged me to 'do something with these beauties.'

Fast-forward to the days of 1998 when my son built my computer. I quickly learned to e-mail my poetry to anyone that had any reason to need a quicker-picker-upper. Learning to 'surf' the Internet, I chanced upon pages of poetry at several sites and timidly submitted an occasional verse. My first official Internet published poem was placed on When I started getting e-mail compliments the fervor was born. Then the accolades of having my work selected as Poem of the Day, Week or Month really started my creative juices flowing.

It occurred to me that, though I had read many poets through the years, only on two occasions had I taken the time to write a letter to thank them for their work. Perhaps their enjoyment came from the reviews and the fact that they may have made a dollar or two off of their poetry offerings. But here before me, on the internet, was the instant gratification of knowing my work had been read and enjoyed.

In December 1998 I met a new friend on the Internet. He inspired me in my writing and encouraged me to search my soul and the roots of my Cherokee Indian heritage. As a result, some of the best writing I've done was born. When others began to ask for the poems that told of the trials of my people on the Trail Of Tears, I knew that the Internet had changed my writing forever.

I was notified that my first published poem at Passion's In Poetry was posted to the main site on April 15, 1999. I sporadically read the poetry of others and e-mailed some of the authors. I submitted to other sites and entered judged competitions. The pride of knowing that my writing stood up to the merits of the judges was exhilarating.

I could reach into the homes and hearts of hundreds, perhaps thousands of people with my poetry. I read lots of other poetry and answered every e-mail I got. Students began asking if they could use my poetry in their classes at school. It was remarkable to me what the potential for spreading my work around the globe could be. Quality was always important to me and now became even more of a goal. The ultimate compliment was my first request from a reader who asked permission to place one of my poems on her web page dedicated to the atrocities of child abuse.

On November 6, 1999, I returned to Passion's In Poetry and discovered the Passionate Forums. I read the works of others and the comments of the other poets. I was hooked. I read the Help menu and decided that this was something I wanted to do. With some apprehension of the instant viewing and responses I submitted my first poem to Passion's. I was welcomed with open arms.

As I got settled in as a member of the Passionate Poets family, I really began to understand what made poetry so interesting to me and to others. The enjoyment of getting to know someone through the artistry of their words and their personalities made more sense to me than all the 'book learning' of poetry had every done. Reaching out and touching or being touched is the greatest feeling a poet can achieve.

I've been inspired and hopefully have inspired others that I've met through poetry. The sharing of poetry thoughts and ideas with other writers is inspirational. The Internet changed the presentation of my writing. I'm inclined to 'paint' my poems with graphics and colored fonts that are pleasing to the eye. I know that I still write from my heart with a fervor everyday. I now know that I can touch the hearts of people I could never have reached before the advent of the Internet.

There are thousands of poets on the Internet who feel the same way. I want to thank them all for having a talent that they share with others. The Internet will reach more people than any medium of communication that has come before its inception. I'm pleased to be a part of it with my poetry.

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