My Muse - Where I Get My Inspiration
By Angel (Susie)
Where do I get my inspiration? Now there is a question. As of late, I think my muse has
been on vacation, she left me for a couple days. Normally, I find inspiration in life. I
write what I feel. Writing has become more or less a sanctuary for me, a place where I go
when the world has turned its back on me and no one else is willing to listen. My notebook
has become one of my greatest confidants, the one who will always understand, even when I
do not. I have written some of my favorite poems and short stories at times when I
believed I was too confused and upset to write anything at all. On the other side of the
story, I have written pieces that made absolutely no sense to even me at times when I
believed I was completely at ease with myself.
A lot of what I write comes from my surroundings. I believe poets are masters at
expressing what they feel and I hope I am on my way to mastering the art of expression. If
something affects my life a great deal, then it becomes very likely that I will at least
try to write about it. As I read through the tablet in which I write all my hopes, dreams,
and fears in short story or poetic form, I realize that the topics cover quite a wide
spectrum. I also come to the conclusion that I enjoy writing from the point of view of
another person, be it one of my friends who is in a tough situation or someone I have
never even met. I enjoy walking a mile in someone's shoes, so to speak.
Honestly, most of the time, I am unsure of where or when my inspiration comes to me. I do
know, that most of the time, it is when I least expect it, while other times it dances
around in my head for hours, or even days before I get the right words express it. I am
not able to simply sit down and write a poem, like some poets, I just have to let the
words come to me, no matter when it happens to be. If I don't want to write it down at
that very second, I've lost it. It may come to me at midnight or noon when I am sitting in
school, but eventually it does come. I believe that all poets and writers alike find
inspiration wherever they want. Some find their inspiration in a sunset, some in what they
feel, and some, I suppose are like me and wait for their inspiration to come along. No
matter where we find our inspiration, we are all one and the same, people who find joy in
writing and love to express whatever we feel.

Passions in Poetry
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