Seasons of the Kaw
by Mike |
Comes forth the Spring in verdant glory,
Time of Lent, of Easter's story,
Greening of the Kansas plains,
Begat of Eostre's birthing rains,
Demeter unto to us does render,
Fertile plains of natural splendor,
Winter wheat from earth does waken,
As newborn fawn, first steps are taken,
Behold the vernal equinox,
Night and day of equal clocks,
Resurrection, flowers bloom,
Comes forth the Spring, from Winter's tomb.
Helios bakes the Kansas plains,
Long since void of cooling rains,
Summer's sun in cruel attack,
Beating down on farmer's back,
Cattle in the pond a cooling,
Young boys catch sun perch a schooling,
Lazy summer afternoons,
In cool of night, the bullfrog croons,
July the 4th, the big parade,
Watch from the porch, pink lemonade,
Fireflies, a wished for breeze,
Cicadas sing night's symphonies.
Vicissitudes of summer's flight,
Wings of geese at frost's first bite,
Pumpkins ripened on the vine,
As hunter's moon, above does shine,
Fiery blaze of autumn's glory,
Portends Persophene's purgatory,
Cornucopias of fruited plain,
Bounties of Demeter's grain,
Verdant valleys, rising mist,
Sleeping flora by Helios kissed,
As zephyr warms a cooling land,
Last vestige of hot summer's hand.
From Kansas plains, the autumn flees,
Frost's crystal flakes kiss barren trees,
Sans summer clothes, shed weeks ago,
Before iced thrust, of winter's snow,
On garden's path, God's palette faded,
Landscape brown, and spirits jaded,
Hued petals to the earth returned,
Bright tints of life, the cold has spurned,
Persophones to depths is taken,
As mankind waits with faith unshaken,
Within her arms, the primrose flowers,
Rebirth of life, come springtime showers.
I walk along a Kansas lane,
Amidst the awe, doth gods ordain. |