through leafless branches
morning breaks rose petal pink -
I drink black coffee.
three months since you left;
leaves have fallen, and the snow -
my step is slower.
silver footed fog
glides over rough green water -
leaves salt on my tongue.
weary willow branch
leans down to caress the earth -
regenerate kiss.
Silence of moontide
breaks on the blackened shoreline -
waves whisper prayers.
Figures of light
etched in filigrees of ice -
snow on my window.
sleek silver fish
swim through pools of reflected light -
full moon hovers near.
Defying winter
beneath a still somber sky,
one apple lingers.
Half-eaten tea-scone -
tiny sparrow at my feet
enjoys every crumb.
A sudden breeze -
snow falls from pine branches
on this ancient grave.
the chill air stirs
with a soundless shiver -
can you feel the rain?
the green pacific
goes gray with gathering clouds -
heralds this night's storm.
After the long rains
sweet music in these caverns -
morning's waterfalls.
winter stillness speaks;
a cone of silence surrounds
breathless pines that wait
for love's secret expressions~
we smile, make them wait.
(written with Mike Rehling)
we the sun and moon
spinning in a dance of words -
I covet your light.
Take my hand in yours, pull me
into your gravity field.
This winter evening
cold ocean fog rolls over
high tide and sand berms;
even hungry seagulls pause,
shiver with its ghostly touch.