The Moon My Friend
by YeshuJah Malikk |
Hunkered amidst remnants of day turned dusk,
I nurse a split along the edges of my mind
and stare at yonder rising moon.
A slight breeze spreads waving palms
upon the canvas of my reprieve,
their movements one with crickets song
and firefly pirouettes;
neighbors present their evening hellos
their shadows tossed upon fences,
long and lean, as through the eyes
of a moon lover seen.
I hear the call of this soft light,
drink deeply of its unsatisfying draught,
yet inebriated by its dreamy flavors
wrapped around the openings of my mind..
at evenings end,
I greet the moon my friend.
The Hush Of Night
by Shawn P. Sharkey |
Listen to the hush of night
Creatures scurry here and there
But there is a loud crescendo
Of the orchestra of
Listen to the hush of night
Stop, Breathe, absorb
The emotion of the dark
As nature's creatures talk
Listen to the hush of night
And you'll hear your name
Spoken on the waves of wind
As your troubles flow away
Listen to the hush of night
Could it be that animals
Can serenade one another
Expressing love in foreign verse
Listen to the hush of night
And you could hear the call
Of a friend in need who
Is calling you heart to heart
Listen to the hush of night
As night merges to day
The orchestra plays a great
Masterpiece for its encore
Listen to the hush of night
Be as attentive as you can
The creature's voices fade
As they bid you come again by
I Wish For You
by Marilyn Gordon |
I wish for you...
I wish for you a rainbow
With your own pot of gold.
I wish for you a cloudless sky
And happiness untold.
I wish for you an ocean breeze
And balmy summer days.
I wish for you to be assured
That you are loved always.
I do not wish a perfect life.
An earthly life has flaws.
I do not wish a straight smooth road,
But curves and hills, because
I wish for you adventures
And dreams that never end.
And most of all I wish for you
Love, joy and peace, my friend.
Seaside Sonnet
by Denise Snyder |
Serenity floods through my soul today;
A canvas splashed with memories sublime
Transports me to those shores of grand Cape May
To childhood, back to that simpler time.
Beside the oceanside is found release
Completely I am cleansed from cleaving stress
Awash in tides of ever-flowing peace
Immersed in God's creative timelessness.
Upon the rocks crescendos mighty crash
Gulls swoop and soar in glee above each crest
In reverie amidst the foam I splash
On velvet sand, sun-kissed, I find true rest.
Enchantment is the gift the artist brings
Enraptured by each stroke my spirit sings.
Lovers Moon
by Seymour Tabin |
Where is that moon...I used to know?
With butter yellow...afterglow?
That listened...to my every sigh?
Where has it gone...where does it lie?
That magic sphere...paramours dear
It shines I swear...but know not where.
How have the years...made me so blind?
Where is that moon...where is that mind?
That rare mystic...that alchemy?
That lovers seek...of revelry
The keeper of...my secret store
That golden Magi...lovers core
That magic lantern...light of trance
The light of love...that made us dance
The glory of...the flowers lie
How did it droop...how did it die?
I stand and stare...and search the moon
The sky is bare...It is high noon.
A Tree That Cried
by Bill Charles |
Have you ever seen a tree crying,
when the morning sun,
melts the dew
I saw it very plainly that autumn day,
so please take a look,
and perhaps you'll see it too
When it's leaves drop, I believe they're tears,
like mine that keep falling,
from my eyes
And the sap that flows through its bark,
is the same as my heart,
bleeding, from too many cries
I know that there must be some correlation,
with this tree that has feelings,
so much like mine
There must be an attachment to share our pain,
and to be sad together,
with neither one being fine
Perhaps there is something I haven't realized,
that maybe a tree can show its emotions too
But I'm very aware that my being, has almost died,
as I sit here with my friend, a tree,
'A Tree That Cried', as I
Things to Remember - Memories in Haiku
by Jamie |
wintered air breathed in
nervous glances pass between
just before lips meet
iridescence drawn
by winter raindrops flowing
or perhaps by tears
such a cold damp day
and then a warm winter night
lives of irony
open road ahead
under threatening winter sky
we must say good-bye