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Passions in Poetry

Digital Passions
Poetry Magazine

Digital Passions #9
published Wednesday, July 18, 2001


Editor's Notes by Karilea Rilling Jungel
Featured Poet - A Selection by Beki Reese
Copyright Infringement by Poet deVine
Talking to Trees - A Poetry Duet
The Language of Silence by Karen A. Hood
The Whispering Tree (Poem) by Linda Bramblett
The Final Word by Poet deVine

* Bonus Features, Poetry & Prose

All About Haiku by Nancy Ness
Haiku and Senryu Selected by Sven/Temptress
Tanka Selected by Marge Tindal
Love Poems Selected by Sven
Poems on Life Selected by Marge Tindal
Spiritual Poetry Selected by Kathleen
Poetry Buffet Selected by Karen A. Hood
Friendship Poems Selected by Lone Wolf
Teen Poetry Selected by Javier Agosto
Going Nuts (Short Story) by Karen A. Hood

Read It All (one big page)

Tanka Poems on Life


Love Poems
Selected by Sven
[email protected]

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To See the Winter
by Athena4

Can I count the stars
on a starless night
In the silence of winter
by the window's frosted light

When you come to me
like the first time
will we watch the snowflakes fall
through the footprints will we remember
will we remember at all?

Can we trace the warmth that melted
like angels in the snow
Can we see the winter you loved me
a long time ago

Will your skin melt against me
like it did in seasons before
Will the beauty be recaptured
to see the winter once more

Can I tell you I still love you
after all he faded years
Can you hold me like you used to
will you melt the frosted tears

Can we trace the warmth that melted
like angels in the snow
Can we see the winter you loved me
...a long time ago.


Whispers through the Willows
by tracie66

The willows sway gently
with the summer breeze
Whispering winds softly stroke
the willows leaves

Gentle winds whisper secrets
only the willow knows
Whispering winds only travel
where the willow grows

To softly whisper through the willows
secrets never told
The whispering wind knows his secrets
the willow will always hold


Arctic Winter Whispers
by Marina

Harp Seals are kissing
On blankets of downy white
After frolicking


by kaile

an intruding beep
an inanimate message
"the sky is clear tonight"
slowly squashed
to exasperating existence
by overbearing obligations
I marveled at how
you found your delight
in the distant stars,
not remotely relevant
to our lives


Rose Petal Dreams
by catalinamoon

I see myself sliding
into a pool of rose petals.
Silky, exquisitely soft
they caress my skin.
Scarlet and mauve stains of love
color me.
I am surrounded
by intoxicating fragrance.
I am immersed in cool, delicious, seductive,
intricate bits of breathless flowers.
If you pass by
at just the right time
you can join me…


Rain Inspired Tears
by Melissa Honeybee

My tears are not pain
but merely reflections of
the rainfall outside


The Storm and The Ocean
by Haleyja

Thunder Storms were then,
Though now the spatters seem thin,
Still they flood my heart.