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Passions in Poetry

Digital Passions
Poetry Magazine

Digital Passions #9
published Wednesday, July 18, 2001


Editor's Notes by Karilea Rilling Jungel
Featured Poet - A Selection by Beki Reese
Copyright Infringement by Poet deVine
Talking to Trees - A Poetry Duet
The Language of Silence by Karen A. Hood
The Whispering Tree (Poem) by Linda Bramblett
The Final Word by Poet deVine

* Bonus Features, Poetry & Prose

All About Haiku by Nancy Ness
Haiku and Senryu Selected by Sven/Temptress
Tanka Selected by Marge Tindal
Love Poems Selected by Sven
Poems on Life Selected by Marge Tindal
Spiritual Poetry Selected by Kathleen
Poetry Buffet Selected by Karen A. Hood
Friendship Poems Selected by Lone Wolf
Teen Poetry Selected by Javier Agosto
Going Nuts (Short Story) by Karen A. Hood

Read It All (one big page)

Love Poems Spiritual Poetry


Poems on Life
Selected by Marge Tindal
[email protected]

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Whispering Willows
by Laura Mason

Whispering willows in the wind,
Throughout their calm, majestic leaves,
Breathe a sigh of unspoken tales,
Fables of hangings and murder plots,
The love-affairs of courting couples,
Names on bark entwined for love,
Sleeping beasts awaken at dawn,
Burrowing to the surface skin,
But at night, how she sleeps,
Her slow steady process,
Growing, receiving and giving new hope,
Where she falls, others will succeed,
Her place overturned in the,
Circle of life.


The Fruit That Fell
by Celia Moodie

The grass
Flat with fallen fruit
Bruised - Folded
and matted I
n your shadow.
Behind your head
With your wild eye
Staring upward
At the mottled light
Of clouds and sun
Through leaves
And branches
You are hungry.
But the fruit is fallen
And you will never Starve.
So you leave the fruit
Where it will surely rot.
Browning the grass
For another season.

I stand behind another tree
And watch you.
I touch the rough bark
With my cheek.
I am hungry too
But I have eaten that fruit.
Soft and wet in the grass.
Tasting of moss-green
Forest fungus.
I hallucinate from the
Wild forest floor
As I reach for you
My arms extend - retract -
I cannot touch you.
Starved as I am
My body falls
And I sound like a tree
In the woods.

That no one hears
Crash down.


Have you Ever Traveled Down Nature's Road?
by Teresa King (aka netswan)

Have you ever been out to sea
on a moonlit night with the fresh salty breeze?
Have you ever stepped into a forest, and if
you did, how far would you travel until you were in?

Have you ever wondered during your nature trips
if the quiet, silent forest would have sound, if you
were not around?

Have you ever yodeled off atop a mountain,
to the echoing valley below?
Did you stop during your singing to
smell the cold glistening snow?

Have you ever been out camping to
wake ravenous and have to build a fire?
Have you ever found that certain secret spot
that only you admire?

Have you ever slept out at night under
the scintillating stars? Did you ever wonder
how many planets there actually really are?

Have you ever passed a graveyard and wondered
what death was all about? Or stopped your car
along a lonely road to pick some litter up?

Have you ever sailed a ship, or swam the
sea or dived off a cliff? Have you ever
gone to cut a tree and heard its piteous cry?

Have you ever seen a cactus laughing at the
scalding sun? Or touched a rattle snake
just for a little dangerous fun?

Have you ever questioned if the moon and sun
are suppose to be a pair? Or, do they both shine
brightly searching eagerly everywhere?

Have you ever tasted the pouring rain upon your
curious tongue? Or, did you ever climb a teetering
ladder and stand on its highest rung?
Have you ever stood waiting for the sun, then suffered from the heat?

Did you ever watch the rain and appreciate a storm?
Did you ever have the chance to help a stranger
who was calling in distress? Or, did you ever write
a traveling nature poem at someone's request?

Have you ever likened a precious plant to a well nurtured child?
Or wonder if a weed is like the child who grew up wild?

The plant that is tended and guarded with all that special care,
is the one that roots up easiest
as it was not prepared.


Delighting In Mother Nature For The Moment
by Ellen Ware (aka Cerenity)

I peer out into the valley below
calm and serene the mood.
Mother Nature's beauty is getting
ready to unleash its vast

Heavy dense fog settles at the
lowest points, the rain has
subsided and the sediments drop
in unison off all that may
have height.

The song birds chatter of the
storms passing and announce
the plentiful bounty blessed
by it.

The fawn in all her splendor
strolls paths worn from
yesterdays gone by.

The larger of the feathered
species are perched fine-tuning
their plumage readying
themselves for flight.

Off in the distance a dog
barking, it echoes through
the valley becoming fainter by
the moment until gone
its reminder.

I sit peaceful and rested,
my gaze not fixed on any one
thing, absorbing the tranquillity
so freely offered.

Totally in awe at the beauty
all around me, so much
so it brings tears of jubilation
to my soul.

Knowing that like all of Gods
creatures for the moment
finding delight in the sheer
beauty that nature provides
we all have our own destinations
as time does not stand still.

So this brief moment of joy
and thankfulness is now ending,
I have placed its memory in
my heart so as to return in times
needing uplift.

Never do I bid farewell to
Mother Nature's gifts
completely for I carry a multitude
of treasured moments, for this is
what sustains me.


Nature's Beauty
by Tara Bassler (aka RosePetals25)

The sun rises in the brisk morning air
as the world slowly begins to awaken.
Dew kissed leaves softly sparkle,
shining in the new day's light.
White clouds fill the baby blue skies,
soft and light, in all shapes and sizes.
The sunlight shines down from overhead,
casting shadows that swirl and dance.
The day goes on as the daylight dims
and twilight settles over the land.
Brilliant colors fill the gradually darkening skies
Blues, pinks, lavenders, and oranges…
Like fingers reaching towards the heavens.
Do you ever stop and look around…
Take the time to see the beauty
That surrounds us everyday