Digital Passions
Poetry Magazine
Love Letters
collected by Irish Rose (Kathleen)
"Love letters in the sand." Does anyone remember that song
by Pat Boone? Long after a song is played, or a person's voice is silenced from the dial
tone, a letter remains. Much poetry is truly a "love letter." Yes, I believe
love letters are still written, kept, cherished and cried over. Some are still written in
the sand, on beautiful stationery, over the Internet, from behind prison walls and some
only on our hearts when we have more emotion than pen and paper can absorb. |

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Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert
Browning fell in love through letters before they ever met and married. I wonder how many
poems were inspired and written through their correspondence! Letters are very poetic.
There are many types of love letters. We write them to our children, sweethearts, parents
and even to Santa Claus. Some are never delivered and some are memorized forever. Many are
tied in ribbons and kept in a cigar box; others kept in file folders on our computer and I
know one person who keeps cedar chips in a drawer to preserve her letters. I believe there
is another song we all love to hear and hopefully many of you remember. "Wait a
minute, Mr. Postman" and especially toward Valentine's Day!
You never know what you are going to find in your mail; love comes in many forms. I hope
you enjoy the written testimonies of love I've compiled here and remember that not only on
Valentine's Day, but all year though love letters are still written and will always be
true poetry from our hearts.
A Christmas Letter to Lost Love
by Karilea Rilling Jungel |
Synchronized with the season
Seems to be the only reason
That cool brisk wind of fall
As one day I shall find better time |
by Tony Abbot |
She is the song of the morning thrush,
The hum of creation at the break of dawn,
She is the moon and the midnight's hush,
Hours before the day is born.
She is the sky of azure blue,
The forest and the deep-sea swell,
She is the wish that never comes true,
The sound of coins landing in empty wells.
She is the raindrop on a desert rose,
The change that lands in beggars' hands,
She is the secret no one knows,
The truth hidden in every grain of sand.
She is the sound of supernal choirs,
The pearl born from the oyster's grit,
She is the good in cheats and liars,
The true amongst the counterfeit.
She is the golden haze of the sun,
The wandering star that transfixes your eye,
She is the race that can never be won,
The smile that caused a thousand sighs.
She is the letter you could not send,
The words that choked inside your heart,
She is where I begin and end,
And I will wither when we part |
Red Letters
by Michael Anderson and Amburs Belflower |
When life seems so unbearable,
And you think you can't go on.
There's someone you can call on,
To guide you through the storm.
His words are in red letters,
And every word is true.
Put your hand in the hand of Jesus,
And He will see you through.
Caught up in deadlines and commitments,
Not enough time throughout the day.
Do you think you could spare a little,
For the one who shows the way?
When the road grows long and narrow,
He's still watching from above.
And only with faith in the red letters,
Will He lead you through with His love.
Give the Lord your troubles,
Your dreams and desires too.
Ask Him not with speculation,
Ask only for what's right for you.
And when the world stops around you,
As you see life's mysteries unfold.
You'll find words written in red letters,
Are more precious than gold.
Love in the Mail
by Balladeer |
I got love in the mail today - a wonderful surprise!
A wealth of great magnificence appeared before my eyes!
I'd always felt alone in life...love was not meant to be
But love came in the mail and made a wondrous change in me.
I found out for a fact I'm held in very high regard
by those kind folks who let me use their Chase Gold Visa card.
They think of me so highly by the way I always use it
They want to raise my limit! Lucky me! I can't refuse it!
Then Allstate wants to save me cash...they give me their assurance
That I'll be saving hundreds if I take out their insurance.
Now is that love or what to know they're looking out for me?
Thank God the "good hands" people treat me so considerately..
The Boy Scouts think I'm wonderful. The Moose and Elks do, too.
They send me address labels - what a loving thing to do!
And Ed McMahon wants me to receive a million bucks...
Has any man alive been blessed with such fantastic luck?
Some company is quite concerned that people of my age
don't find it quite so easy to get up for passion's rage
But they'll be glad to send me pills to help old guys like me.
It's great to know that someone cares I'm happy sexually!
The charities all love me - so do churches - there's no end
To all those loving people that consider me their friend.
Just opening those letters can evaporate my sorrow
And that was just today--I can't wait until tomorrow!!!
Love Letters
by Victoria |
In the slumber of darkness when all is still
Only the fragrance.. a sleeping daffodil
I hear whispers echoing in the night
Love letters written in sands of moonlight
Envelope of the night sealed by oceans kiss
Tucked away taken below in the ocean of abyss
Although lovers have died so very long ago
Hearts still ache for someone they use to know
Upon the shores of a thousand years past
Ribbons of tears wrapped around the winds mast
Footprints embedded upon salt kissed shores
Shadows searching for the love they adored
Lost within mysteries of love and grains of sand
a shadow reaching ..Reaching for someone's hand